
What is an External Knowledge Base and How to Create One?

What is an External Knowledge Base and How to Create One?
18 Aug 2023

Amidst the dynamic and ever-shifting realm of business, the timeless saying - "customer is king," still holds its throne. Keeping customers satisfied and genuinely happy has become the golden rule for success. It's like a secret recipe that, when perfected, can turn any business venture into a flourishing empire. Yet, like any great recipe, the ingredients are easier said than done.

Picture this: You're a business owner navigating the intricacies of satisfying your customers' needs even before they realize them. Sounds like a Herculean task, doesn't it? The truth is proactive customer solutions are the cornerstone of this modern business era. However, the path to achieving this level of service excellence can be daunting.

Enter the game-changer: the external knowledge base. Imagine having a digital wizard that empowers you to anticipate your customers' concerns and equips them with the solutions they seek. It's like having the answers before the questions even arise, a dynamic that can redefine customer success and, ultimately, the trajectory of your business.

Picture a place where making customers happy is like creating a masterpiece; the external knowledge base is the genius tool behind it all. See how using the magic of external knowledge can completely change how businesses care for their customers, ensuring each customer is satisfied along the way.

What is an External Knowledge Base?

Imagine a situation where users, customers, or clients are attempting to understand how to utilize a specific feature of software they've recently acquired. Instead of resorting to a call with the support team, they can conveniently navigate to the external knowledge base. There, a collection of easy-to-follow how-to guides, video tutorials, and solutions to common queries await them. This resource is intentionally crafted to empower users to independently seek the assistance they require, accommodating their preferred pace and convenience.

In the event that an individual encounters a challenge or expresses curiosity regarding any aspect of the product or service in use, it's important to recognize that the external knowledge base stands as a valuable tool, ready to resolve matters on their own conditions efficiently.

External Knowledge Base vs. Internal Knowledge Base

Regarding the world of knowledge bases, two distinct realms emerge: the external and the internal knowledge bases. Each caters to a specific audience, serving unique purposes that contribute to the seamless functioning of a business.

External Knowledge Base: Customer-Focused Brilliance

The external knowledge base takes center stage as the digital front door that welcomes customers, clients, and users. It's designed to be customer-facing, offering a wealth of information that's accessible to those who seek answers without having to engage in direct communication. Think of it as a customer's ultimate self-help center.

Internal Knowledge Base: Empowering the Workforce

On the other hand, the internal knowledge base caters to employees, offering them a treasure trove of organizational insights, processes, and documentation. This behind-the-scenes magic helps employees streamline their tasks, collaborate effectively, and stay aligned with the company's objectives.

Benefits of Creating an External Knowledge Base

An external knowledge base is more than just a digital repository; it is a strategic asset that empowers your users, provides round-the-clock availability, and offers a gateway to a wealth of information.

Let's delve into how these knowledge bases bring tangible advantages to your business.

1. Empowering Users: Knowledge at Their Fingertips

A new user has just signed up for your tool. They are bound to have questions as they dive into its features and functionalities. Traditionally, these questions might prompt them to reach out to the support team, navigate phone menus, and await responses during business hours. However, with the integration of an external knowledge base, a transformative shift occurs. Your users gain the ability to bypass these conventional channels and access a wealth of information instantaneously. This user-centric resource is equipped with comprehensive guides, troubleshooting insights, and a reservoir of frequently asked questions – all poised to position the solution to their query right within their grasp.

2. 24/7 Availability: Always Open for Business

Unlike traditional customer support, which has its limits, external knowledge bases are your round-the-clock solution. Whether the clock strikes midnight or it's a holiday weekend, your users can tap into this wellspring of information whenever needed. It's like having a tireless assistant at their service, guaranteeing that questions don't need to be put on hold until the next business day.

Moreover, the reach of external knowledge bases extends beyond geographical borders. In a world where businesses operate globally, time zones no longer dictate when you can seek assistance. Users from different corners of the world can access the knowledge base at their convenience, aligning perfectly with their unique schedules. It's the epitome of flexibility – your users are empowered to seek answers when it suits them without being confined to specific working hours or time zones.

3. Reducing Support Tickets: Lightening the Load on Customer Support Teams

Beyond the convenience of 24/7 availability, another significant advantage of implementing an external knowledge base is the potential reduction in support tickets. Users can often find the answers they need without submitting a support ticket when they can access a comprehensive self-help resource. This streamlined approach empowers users to resolve common queries independently and alleviates the burden on your customer support teams.

With fewer redundant inquiries coming in, your support teams can focus their expertise on more intricate and specialized issues. This enhances the efficiency of your support processes and ensures that your support agents can dedicate their time and attention to providing tailored solutions where they're truly needed.

4. Reaching Global Users in Their Preferred Language

Language can often become a barrier, limiting how much you can connect with a diverse global user base. However, a well-crafted external knowledge base can open the doors to a solution that transcends linguistic boundaries, allowing you to cater to users in their preferred language.

Consider this scenario: your business has expanded its reach across various countries and regions. In the traditional approach, creating help videos, how-to guides, and tutorials in multiple languages might seem daunting, requiring substantial investments in hiring language experts and translators. But enter the realm of innovative tools like WowTo, powered by AI voice and translation technology. This revolutionary approach enables you to effortlessly create videos in multiple languages, ensuring that your users can access vital information in a language they're comfortable with.

The result is twofold: your users are empowered to engage with your offerings in a language that resonates with them, boosting their understanding and satisfaction. Simultaneously, your business benefits from this enhanced global reach without burning a hole in your pocket through extensive hiring and translation costs. An external knowledge base, complemented by cutting-edge technology, becomes not just a repository of information but a bridge that connects you with diverse users, united by a common understanding facilitated by language versatility.

5. Efficiency in Problem-Solving: Faster Resolution

The traditional support process often involves wait times and back-and-forth exchanges. With an external knowledge base, your users can swiftly navigate through relevant articles and guides. This translates to faster problem-solving, as users can immediately access the solution that fits their specific situation. It's about minimizing frustration and maximizing efficiency.

6. Self-Help for the Modern Age: Catering to Diverse Learning Styles

People have different learning preferences – some prefer reading, while others thrive on visuals. External knowledge bases cater to this diversity by offering a variety of formats: written guides, videos, infographics, and more. Users can choose the format that resonates with them, ensuring that they grasp the information effectively.

7. Consistency and Accuracy: Reliable Information

External knowledge bases offer users a consistent and reliable source of information. The content is carefully curated and regularly updated to reflect the latest changes and developments. This ensures that users receive accurate guidance, fostering trust in your brand's expertise.

How to Create an External Knowledge Base?

Creating an external knowledge base might seem like a complex endeavor, but with the right approach, it can be a streamlined process that offers immense value to your users.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1 - Define your Goals and Audience

Before you start, you must define your goals and understand your audience. This initial step lays the foundation for a resource that truly caters to your users' needs and aligns with your business objectives.

Set Clear Objectives

Begin by identifying the primary purposes of your knowledge base. Are you aiming to provide exceptional customer support, offer comprehensive product information, or troubleshoot common problems? Defining these goals allows you to tailor your content and structure accordingly.

For instance, if your primary goal is to assist customers, your knowledge base might focus on offering detailed guides for troubleshooting, FAQs, and contact information for further support. On the other hand, if your aim is to provide product information, your content might include specifications, features, and use cases.

Understand Your Audience

Your knowledge base should resonate with your target audience. Take the time to understand their characteristics, preferences, and needs thoroughly. Who are your users? What challenges do they face? What solutions are they seeking?

For example, if your software product caters to tech-savvy professionals and beginners, you must create content that accommodates both skill levels. If your audience includes individuals from different industries, consider providing industry-specific guides.

Types of Content

Once you've pinpointed your audience, consider the types of content that would be most valuable to them. Will they prefer step-by-step tutorials, video demos, visual infographics, or comprehensive written guides? Adapting your content format to match their preferences ensures a more engaging and effective knowledge base.

Step 2 - Choose the Right Tool

Having a clear understanding of your goals and audience is just the beginning. Selecting the right platform to bring your external knowledge base to life is equally crucial. Your choice of tool profoundly impacts the accessibility, functionality, and user experience of your knowledge base.

When considering the ideal platform, aligning it with the type of content you plan to offer is important. With the surging popularity of video tutorials, adopting a tool that facilitates the creation of a video knowledge base presents an exciting avenue.

Consider Your Content-Type

As established above, as you embark on this decision-making journey, ponder the nature of the content you intend to share within your knowledge base. With video tutorials becoming a favored mode of learning, opting for a platform that enables seamless video integration can be a game-changer. Videos provide dynamic and visual explanations that resonate with users seeking engaging and informative content.

Dedicated Knowledge Base Software

Explore dedicated knowledge base software solutions. These platforms are tailor-made for constructing, organizing, and managing knowledge bases. They often feature customizable templates, user-friendly interfaces, and specialized tools crafted to support self-service solutions.

Video Knowledge Base Tools

In a digital landscape where video tutorials are in high demand, tools like WowTo step in as potent solutions. They empower you to effortlessly create video tutorials and publish and video knowledge base with features such as AI-driven voiceovers and translations. This enables you to provide content in multiple languages without needing specialized expertise.

Step 3 - Content Creation and Organization

With your platform selected, the next pivotal step is to create and organize the content that will populate your external knowledge base. This phase addresses user needs effectively and makes information easily accessible.

Content Creation: Addressing User Needs

Begin by crafting content that directly addresses the questions, concerns, and topics that your users commonly encounter. Put yourself in their shoes – what information would be most helpful to them? Develop comprehensive guides, how-to videos, troubleshooting tips, and other resources that cater to their queries.

For example, if your product is software, create articles that guide users through installation, configuration, and utilization. If your service is related to a specific industry, offer insights and best practices tailored to that field. Your content should aim to provide solutions and empower users to navigate their journey independently.

Organization: Making Information Accessible

Once your content is ready, organize it to ensure easy accessibility. Users should be able to quickly find what they're looking for without getting lost in a maze of information. A clear and intuitive organizational structure is key.

Begin by categorizing similar content to create a coherent and user-friendly framework. For instance, if your offerings include a software tool, think of categories such as "Getting Started," "Troubleshooting," and "Advanced Features." This categorization simplifies navigation, allowing users to pinpoint the specific information they seek amidst a sea of content.

A search feature can be a game-changer in enhancing user experience too. It allows users to swiftly pinpoint content by using keywords. This proves especially valuable when users have specific inquiries or concerns. Implementing a robust search function ensures that users can find relevant content with ease, minimizing frustration and maximizing efficiency.

Moreover, consider the advantage of using tools like WowTo. This innovative solution empowers you to embed a video widget directly into your website or application. This means that users can find answers to their queries exactly where they're searching without the need to navigate away from their current page. Imagine a user exploring your software application and stumbling upon a challenge – with WowTo, they can access a video tutorial right then and there, streamlining their experience and promoting seamless learning.

Step 4 - Optimize for Search Engines

As you construct your external knowledge base, it's essential to consider its visibility on search engines. A well-optimized knowledge base has the potential to attract users actively seeking solutions.

Here's how to enhance your knowledge base's search engine visibility

SEO Integration: Elevating Discoverability

Incorporate relevant keywords throughout your content. These keywords should align with the queries users are likely to enter when seeking answers. For example, if your knowledge base revolves around cooking gadgets, include phrases like "best kitchen gadgets," "cooking utensils," and "kitchen appliance reviews." By strategically integrating these keywords, you increase the likelihood that your knowledge base will appear in search engine results.

Meta Descriptions and Titles: Enhancing Click-Through Rates

Craft compelling meta descriptions and titles for each piece of content. These concise descriptions appear in search results and entice users to click on your link. An informative title and a snippet that provides a sneak peek into the content can significantly enhance click-through rates.

Quality and Relevance: Content is Key

While keywords are essential, quality and relevance should remain at the forefront. Create content that genuinely addresses users' needs and offers valuable solutions. Search engines prioritize content that provides accurate, well-structured, and insightful information. This boosts your search engine ranking and establishes your knowledge base as a trusted resource.

Mobile-Friendly Design: A Must

Optimize your knowledge base for mobile devices. With increasing numbers of users accessing information on their smartphones and tablets, a mobile-friendly design is crucial for a seamless browsing experience. A responsive design ensures that your content displays properly across various screen sizes.

Step 5 - Measure and Optimise

Creating an external knowledge base is a dynamic process that doesn't end once content is published. Measuring, analyzing, and optimizing is crucial for continuously improving your knowledge base's effectiveness and user experience.

Utilize Analytics: Unveiling User Insights

Integrate analytics tools to track user engagement and behavior within your knowledge base. This invaluable data provides insights into what topics users find most engaging, the search queries they enter, and the duration they spend on various pages.

Popular Topics: Navigating User Interests

Identify which topics are generating the most interest and engagement. Is there a particular category of content that users frequent more often? By discerning these popular topics, you can strategically allocate resources to create more comprehensive content in those areas.

Search Queries: Fine-Tuning Content

Analyze the search queries users are entering within your knowledge base. This reveals the specific information users are actively seeking. Are there common queries that aren't being fully addressed by your current content? Use this insight to refine existing content or create new pieces that cater to these queries.

Step 6 - Make Regular Updates

Static content can quickly become outdated. To ensure your knowledge base remains a valuable resource, adopting a strategy of regular updates is imperative. This practice keeps your content fresh and showcases your commitment to addressing changing user needs and industry advancements.

Dynamic Content Evolution: Responding to Change

Technology, products, and services evolve over time. Regularly updating your knowledge base allows you to reflect these changes accurately. Whether it's the introduction of new features or updates to existing products, your knowledge base should be a living repository that keeps pace with these transformations.

User-Centric Approach: Addressing Evolving Needs

As user needs evolve, your knowledge base must adapt. Monitor user feedback, queries, and patterns of engagement to identify areas that may require updates. You demonstrate your commitment to providing relevant and up-to-date information by addressing these evolving needs.

Communicate Change: User Awareness

Communicate these to your users when making significant updates, changes, or additions to your knowledge base. This proactive approach keeps users informed and encourages them to explore the updated content, fostering engagement and trust.

Preventing Frustration: Outdated Information

Outdated or incorrect information can lead to user frustration. Imagine a user following outdated steps to troubleshoot an issue – not only does this fail to resolve their problem, but it can also damage their perception of your knowledge base's reliability. Regular updates prevent such scenarios and ensure accurate and helpful information is readily available.

Industry Relevance: Staying Ahead

Industries are dynamic landscapes that witness constant change. By updating your knowledge base, you position yourself as an authority in your field, showcasing your ability to adapt and lead in a rapidly evolving environment.

Iterative Process: Continuous Improvement

Regular updates shouldn't be seen as a one-time task but rather an ongoing, iterative process. Set a schedule for reviewing and updating content, and incorporate user feedback into your update strategy. This approach guarantees that your knowledge base remains relevant, reliable, and beneficial to users.

When carefully curated, an external knowledge base can cater to user needs and can potentially revolutionize how businesses interact with their customers. By transcending traditional support methods and placing the power of knowledge directly into users' hands, an external knowledge base becomes a driving force behind user satisfaction and engagement.

From empowering users to find solutions on their terms to optimizing for search engines and from creating user-centric content to embracing regular updates, the journey of crafting an effective external knowledge base is a testament to the commitment of businesses to meet and exceed user expectations.

In a landscape where customer satisfaction is a pivotal determinant of success, an external knowledge base emerges as a pivotal tool. It's a means to empower, educate, and enrich user experiences. The magic of this digital resource lies in its ability to transform users into self-sufficient explorers, confidently navigating the intricacies of products and services.

Ready to Elevate Your Knowledge Base? Try WowTo!

Looking to take your external knowledge base to the next level? Explore WowTo, a revolutionary platform that lets you create and host a video knowledge base on your website. With features like AI-driven voiceovers and translations, WowTo empowers you to create engaging and multilingual video knowledge bases without needing specialized expertise. Experience the difference WowTo can make – enhance accessibility, user engagement, and global reach, all while simplifying the learning journey for your users. Discover the WowTo advantage today and embrace the future of knowledge sharing.

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