
Add How-to Videos to

Answer your users' most common questions quickly and in a way that makes them feel good. Build a video knowledge base with WowTo videos and watch your retention rate increase.


What is WowTo integration with

WowTo video knowledge base helps you to provide quick solutions and answers to most asked questions for your users. You could improve user experience and retention rate by building a video knowledge base with WowTo videos.

How-to video


How to share WowTo video on

  • Generate your WowTo video and once that is done, click on the "Share HowTo video" option from the sidebar.
  • Enable Sharing and copy the embed code.
  • Log in to and open the workspace.
  • Create a new workspace or open an existing one.
  • In the top toolbar menu, Click on the plus icon a list will appear.
  • Select the 'Dashboard' option, and click on 'Add widget'.
  • Click on the more widget option from the bottom, and Select the option 'Media'.
  • Select the 'Embed Everything' option and click on the 'Add Widget'.
  • Click on the option 'Add a site' and Paste the copied embed code of your WowTo Video.